Stronger immune system, more energy, and better sleep
Are you out of whack from being stuck inside these last six months and feeling uncertain about our future as Covid-19 ravages our communities? I certainly have felt knocked off my center. Foundational aspects of our lives have been disrupted, like our sleep, our incomes and our ability to move freely. We see no swift end in sight to the disruptive conditions either. What we can and must do right now is to cultivate resilience, and that starts with our health.
Today I am going to talk about 3 minerals we all need for a stronger immune system, more energy, and better sleep. Minerals are tiny compounds in our food, and they are key to keeping our bodies strong. They affect every system including those that help us cope with stress and fight off germs. Falling short of necessary levels of this mineral will impact our health negatively.
Magnesium for bone, muscle, and energy
Magnesium is more important than ever under these stressful times. Getting enough magnesium can help us ease anxiety, and support bone health, muscle function and energy production. It also can help us fall asleep faster. We need 320 milligrams of magnesium each day. Foods like nuts, seeds, greens, avocados, and even dark chocolate all contain magnesium. If you choose to take a supplement, I recommend 300 milligrams of magnesium citrate.
Zinc for fighting pathogens
Zinc helps our immune system to fight pathogens, from the common cold to Covid-19. If we are low in zinc, it can harm our immunity in two ways according to research from Oregon State University. Zinc deficiency causes both a dampened immune response in some cells making it harder to fight infections. Zinc is found in shellfish and red meat, so vegans have a tough time getting the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of 8 milligrams a day. Beans, nuts, whole grains and pumpkin seeds are good plant-based sources.
Iron for stronger blood
Iron is the mineral necessary for our red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout our body and it supports our muscle function. Iron deficiency shows up as feeling sluggish, we have trouble concentrating, and women in particular can be at risk of anemia due to menstruation. Spinach is a great source of iron, I eat it all the time and put it in my morning smoothies. Iron supplements are an option. Generally supplements have been found to improve our athletic performance, but taking too much can cause intestinal issues. Please get tested by your doctor before you start taking a supplement.
Here to help
Now is not the time to play around with our health, so please make sure you are getting the right amount of nutrients through your food and keep up on your daily exercise.
If you are confused and have no idea where to start this process, click on the link below and schedule a free phone call with me. Together we will map out a simple plan for you to get started. Let’s go beyond fitness!
More Resources
Here is some great info on how zinc boosts your immune system from The Beet and the role of iron in your immune system from ActiveIron.
Zinc Boosts Immunity. Here’s How Much You Need in Age of COVID-19